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Our unique Insight Programmes provide an opportunity for aspiring students to meet established professionals and gain an amount of hands-on experience in particular fields. These Programmes are typically one-day events. In order for you to derive maximum benefit, attendee numbers are strictly limited.


Currently, Insight Programmes are offered in Law and Finance. Additional disciplines will be covered in due course.


Insight Programme days offer far more than simply career guidance. If you are interested in Law or Finance, read on to find out what a typical Insight Programme day may entail in each of these areas.





Law Programme



Our unique Insight Programmes provide an opportunity for aspiring students t








Finance Programme


In this Programme, you will meet experienced industry professionals who will explain their particular area of expertise, how those areas have evolved over time and how they address the challenges which those areas present. These sessions are designed to be highly interactive so, don't be afraid to join in and ask lots of questions!


While finance can involve a high degree of complexity, you do not require any previous knowledge, specific expertise or experience to attend as the Programme leaders will focus on key issues in a manner which makes them readily accessible to all. In the process, you will inevitably learn some of the terminology used by finance professionals and should leave with a better insight into how markets work and the challenges which they present.


You will be presented with case studies or analyses of significant events in markets, such as the 'anatomies' of market bubbles or crashes. (Again, ask lots of questions.) We are also able to call upon a sophisticated stock market simulation platform, presenting you with the opportunity to 'manage' a virtual portfolio in real time. Watch the price changes, access news and analyst opinions and decide what to buy and sell!


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