Our Access Scheme is designed to support students who are from underprivileged backgrounds. They may attend a school that typically doesn’t send students on to higher education, or which has little, or no, experience with Oxbridge or Russell Group Universities. The students may be the first in their family to attend university, or they may be in care, or a carer. Many of these students may have been discouraged from pursuing their dreams or aspiring to got to university at all. They may well be breaking the mould within their immediate communities.
These students, who are achieving against all odds, really inspire us at Scholasta, and we are passionate about helping them to achieve what their potential merits.
Currently, we have up to thirty places a year on our Access Scheme. Students who join the scheme can expect to receive support with subject and university selection, College shortlisting (if applying to Oxbridge), personal statement support, and general advice for any admissions tests and interviews. All of these services are provided free of charge.
Students who are interested in joining our Access Scheme should request an application form. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to attend a brief interview over Skype. Don’t worry; this is not an academic assessment, it is simply designed to enable us to find out a little more about you, and how we can help your application!